Does Brad Pitt Own A Spitfire?

Publish date: 2024-05-14

Celebrities splurge on things an ordinary person can only dream about. Luxury cars, houses, shoes, they certainly know how to spend their money. A spitfire is not something you would buy unless you have lots of spare cash. Guess which celebrity owns one. Does Brad Pitt own a spitfire?

Yes. Brad Pitt owns a spitfire. He is reported to have spent about 3.3 million dollars to become one of the few people who own one. If you are wondering what a spitfire is, what inspired Brad Pitt to purchase one and whether he can actually pilot one, this article has got all the gist. 

What Is a Spitfire?

Spitfires are a brand of fighter planes manufactured by Supermarine, which were used by the British Royal Air Force as well as other Allied nations during the second world war and even years after. These fighter planes were designed by Reginald Joseph Mitchell and were in production between 1938 and 1948. Considering how long ago this is, only a few of these aircraft remain airworthy and with the bulk of these few being kept at aviation museums around the world. With such few numbers, one might assume that the scarcity and vintage status of the planes must be the reason why Brad Pitt opted to splurge millions of dollars on the Spitfire or maybe not.

 Why Brad Pitt Bought A Spitfire

Brad Pitt is reported to have purchased the Submarine Spitfire as a result of his avid interest in World War II. This interest probably stems from the fact that he portrayed characters in World War II related movies, notably Fury and Inglourious Basterds.

In Fury, Brad Pitt played the part of Don “Wardaddy” Collier, a US Army First Sergeant and commander of the armored tank nicknamed Fury and its experienced crew. Wardaddy and his subordinates are part of a final push by the allied force into Nazi Germany. Brad Pitt is said to have fully immersed himself into the role, learning how to drive a tank and even sleeping in the trenches. The movie also featured the world’s last functional German Tiger tank to ensure its authenticity. In such an environment, it is not shocking that Brad acquired a soft spot for World War II memorabilia.

In Inglourious Basterds, Brad played the part of Lieutenant Aldo Raine of the First Special Service Force, who rounds up, recruits, and leads Jewish-American soldiers as members of a paramilitary unit named Basterds.  The unit’s primary aim is to instill fear among the German soldiers by killing and scalping them. Although the movie is historically inaccurate, it could possibly have fueled an interest in the second world war in Brad.

One can only imagine the bond between Brad and his movies. Most actors will settle for luxury private jets. No one buys a military fighter plane to add to their collection. However, if we were as rich as Brad Pitt, we would probably consider it. 

Can Brad Pitt Fly His Spitfire?

After spending that much money on a place, it has to be a crime to not be able to put it to use by actually flying it. Considering that Spitfires can only accommodate one person, a good question to ask is, can Brad pilot the plane?

Did you know that the recent Oscar winner, Brad Pitt, has a pilot's license and flies his own Cirrus SR22. It even has a Supermarine Spitfire from World War II.

(I used google translate)

— ning (@ning_spycat) March 8, 2020

Brad Pitt is one of the few celebrities who 

owns a private pilot license and is reportedly an accomplished pilot and has mastered flying the more common or garden aircraft. In addition to this, Brad undertook special training on flying the Supermarine Spitfire at the Boultbee Flight Academy in Oxford, United Kingdom. So he certainly can fly his vintage fighter plane to wherever he wants to.

Whether it’s a private island, a luxurious sports car, or a vintage warplane, one clear thing is that celebrities have unique cravings, and fortunately, they have large bank accounts to fulfil them. Brad Pitt wanted a spitfire, and he got one.
