Jana Kramer on her husband receiving nude pics: people think Mike actually cheated

Publish date: 2024-05-14

Two weeks ago I listened to Jana Kramer and Mike Caussin’s podcast, The Whine Down. It left me in a bad mood, like their toxicity and dysfunction was rubbing off on me. Jana had discovered deleted nude photos on her husband’s phone, which she believes were sent by a bot. That’s possible and they both made a good case for it, however Mike has cheated on her so many times and his cagey responses to her were big red flags. Several of you pointed out that Jana was in a horrifically abusive relationship prior to this and that we should have sympathy for her. (Her ex committed suicide after spending five years in prison for his abuse of Jana.) I’m not unsympathetic to her, it’s just difficult to reconcile that with the fact that she’s airing all this. Jana knows this too. In her latest podcast she seemingly defended Mike, despite the fact that she said she finds evidence of him cheating every time she checks his phone. I’m relying on Page Six’s reporting because I’m not losing a half hour listening to these toxic people again.

“Because of where I’m still at with it, it’s made my anxiety worse,” Kramer said on Monday’s episode of their podcast “Whine Down.” “It’s made me feel more confused and it’s just kind of, like, put more salt in the wound.”

The “One Tree Hill” alum says she also should think twice before disclosing something so personal to the public right away and that it was a “massive lesson learned.”

“There are people out there who think Mike actually cheated,” she said.

Caussin, who has been open about his sex addiction, has promised that something like this “won’t happen again,” which Kramer says she has “heard so many times.”

“I think maybe now he sees how bad that wound is for me and the trauma of finding things — whether he did something or not,” said Kramer. “I’m to the point of, like, literally a nervous breakdown, where I just can’t physically handle it anymore.”

She added that she thinks there will never come a time when she can trust him again.

“I told Michael the other day, I was just like, I don’t believe that there won’t be another time, and that sucks to, like, have to feel that,” she shared. “How do I believe that when I’ve heard so many times, ‘I’ll never do it again. I’ll never do it again’? So, it kind of puts me in this really awkward situation, and it makes me look weak and to have to be, like, continuing to stick around, whether he did something or he didn’t. I believe that he didn’t. I know it wasn’t a real person. I know all of those things. It doesn’t matter.”

Kramer, who believes the photo may have been sent through a bot, just wants her husband to know that she can’t bottle it up every time he hurts her.

“I need him to understand how deep that wound is for me when I discover something, whether he did something or not,” she said. “That is just like — it’s painful. And I just can’t physically hold that anymore.”

[From Page Six]

Mike did actually cheat, so many times by their own admission, and she keeps forgiving him and taking him back and doing therapy and rehab and all these things which are not changing him at all. As I said before, if someone cheats on you more than once and you take them back you’re teaching them how to treat you. I don’t agree with taking someone back after cheating even once but some of you do, if the person is sincere and it’s not a pattern. This goes way beyond that. Also Jana knows what she’s doing by putting her pain and humiliation out there. If she didn’t do that there wouldn’t be as much interest in her. Rinse and repeat.

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