Is John Mayers new single Paper Dolls about his breakup with Taylor Swift?

Publish date: 2024-05-16

John Mayer and Taylor Swift had a thing several years ago. It was after he and Jennifer Aniston were done, and I personally believe that Taylor was the one pursuing John. I think John and Taylor dated quietly for months before it ended, because it always ends and almost always it’s the guy who dumps Swifty. So, John Mayer broke Taylor Swift’s heart and of course what happened next was inevitable: she wrote a song about it. She wrote “Dear John” which is basically like a F-U to Mayer being a d-bag. Mayer discussed Taylor’s diss in a Rolling Stone interview, saying that Swifty had “humiliated” him and “It made me feel terrible. Because I didn’t deserve it. I’m pretty good at taking accountability now, and I never did anything to deserve that. It was a really lousy thing for her to do.” Swifty later slammed John again, saying she never discusses WHO her songs are about. Which is so dumb.

Personally, I believe several songs on Taylor’s latest album are also about Mayer (I think a big part of “I Knew You Were Trouble” is about Mayer), but sure, she never discusses it. But two can play that game! John just released his new video/single for “Paper Doll”. The song is pretty-ish, it’s one of John’s sad little ballads. But many claim the lyrics are about his thing with Swifty. Also: the video features Joanna Rohrback, the “Prancercise” lady.

Lyric analysts claim that the line “You’re like 22 girls in one” is a reference to Swift’s song “22”. And John repeats the word “red” which is the name of Swift’s last album. But I think most importantly, the song seems to about a girl who is very immature and scattered (in the love department). And that seems to be dead-on. Plus, I think the Prancercise lady is dressed like Swifty. No joke.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
